Canadian Gun Nutz Pro gun forum, for sale, discussions on numerous gun related topics. You will have to register to participate.


Garry Breitkreuz. There is no politician in Canada who has fought harder for the rights of gun owners than this Conservative MP.


Canadian Unregistered Firearm Owners Association Advocates massive civil disobedience with respect to gun registration. CUFOA is one of the three groups TSCON partnered with to produce a joint policy statement for presentation to Stockwell Day.


Canada Free Press Good writing from a conservative standpoint on a large number of topics.


The Second Amendment Police Department Writings from pro gun police officers, including former Sporting Clubs of Niagara president John Gayder.


Firearms education school. A PAL is better than a POL. To get one you will need to take Canadian Firearms Safety Course or challenge the test. Here's where you can do it.


National Firearms Association Perhaps Canada's leading pro-firearms group with an unmatched expertise in legal matters concerning Canadian gun laws.


Law Enforcement Alliance of America A pro-gun police organization. Too bad this country does not have a similar group.

Second Amendment Foundation Prominent American pro-gun organization.


The Canadian Conservative Forum Lots of good writing on a broad range of issues by conservative and libertarian authors.


The Cato Institute An American libertarian think tank. Publishes many excellent books, such as "The Samuria, the Mountie and the Cowboy" by David Kopel.


The National Rifle Association America's premier pro-gun organization. Over the past twenty five years, Canadian pro-gun forces have lost just about every battle they have fought. It's nice to read about a country where gun owners win more political battles than they lose.